I am a lawyer and consultant. I am a career business dispute resolution lawyer but I am most known for my work in data protection, privacy and digital law matters.

In addition to resolving commercial disputes, I provide legal advice, training and hands-on consulting to help public institutions and businesses navigate the digital law & policy landscape in the Caribbean and the Americas. I add value by ensuring ongoing compliance with key legal and regulatory obligations stemming from advances in data protection, artificial intelligence, e-commerce, telecoms and related areas.
I am a frequent speaker at events and conferences on digital law and policy, and I am a member of several professional organisations, including the International Association of Privacy Professionals and the International Network of Privacy Law Professionals.
You can connect with me on Linkedin, Twitter or via the form on this site.
About Bartlettmorgan.com
BartlettMorgan.com was created to track and assesses key developments at the intersection of digital law and policy, especially those with significant implications for the Caribbean region.
The content typically features updates and analyses on a variety of topics, including data protection, cybersecurity, digital transformation, e-commerce, and intellectual property.
My social media